
As the owner of this site and blog I have the full intention to be compliant with the Federal Trade Commission rules about the use of testimonials and endorsements in advertising and marketing. Accordingly, I want you as a visitor to understand that in some instances I get paid a commission to endorse products or services on my site. If I am getting paid to post content I will disclose that material connection either in the text of a specific post, or with the text Affiliate with a hot link to this disclosure statement.

If you have a question about whether or not I’m materially connected with anything I promote or endorse, please contact me at: legal @ alternativepersonalsonline.com

I have a material connection with the following organizations:

Amazon.com: Alternativepersonalonline.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

I get paid a commission for each item you purchase in a session on Amazon.com when you click on a book, audio or DVD recommendation in the Gift/Store and Dating Books sections of my site or any other part of this site. This is a part of the Amazon.com affiliate program.

Clickbank.com: I get paid a commission for each item that you purchase via Clickbank.com

Google: I get paid a commission when you click through any of the advertising elements marked Google on my blog as part of the Google Adsense Program.

Dating Sites: I get paid a commission if you purchase a subscription to one of these sites. In some cases I get a commission if you create a free profile.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this disclosure statement please contact:

Alternative Personals Online
PO Box 60514 Granville Park PO
Vancouver, BC
V6H 4B9
Email: legal @ alternativepersonalsonline.com